Taha Attiah
Resident Engagement: Positioning Your Community for Action
"Revelbroke:" A Breakthrough in Community Engagement
"Revelbroke:" A Breakthrough in Community Engagement
“Revelbroke” is a podcast series initiated by Taha Attiah, Community Development Coordinator for the City of Revelstoke. As part of the City’s Poverty Reduction Strategy, the series took a deep dive into the rising cost of living for folks in the community - and they were hungry for it. The podcast has tallied thousands of hours of listening by community members, and delves into the various aspects of getting by in a growing resort community with a focus on housing. This unprecedented level of public engagement in a town of under 10,000 residents has positioned the community and its leaders toward thoughtful action on non-market housing. Revelbroke’s popularity has also created the opportunity to build consensus and meaningfully engage on other affordability issues such as transportation, development, food security, and the environment.
Revelstoke is now investigating feasibility for a Housing Authority to develop and operate non-market housing on City owned land. Hear the Revelbroke story and how the podcast became a tool for public education on complex topics - especially amongst young residents. Its creators will detail its conceptualization, implementation, and the opportunities for public engagement through the podcast and podcast promotion.
Revelstoke is now investigating feasibility for a Housing Authority to develop and operate non-market housing on City owned land. Hear the Revelbroke story and how the podcast became a tool for public education on complex topics - especially amongst young residents. Its creators will detail its conceptualization, implementation, and the opportunities for public engagement through the podcast and podcast promotion.